30 March 2013

Text in Multimedia

Sumber : Note


A typeface is a family of graphic characters that usually includes many type sizes and styles.


A font is a collection of characters of a single size and style belonging to a particular typeface family. Typical font styles are boldface and italic. Other style attributes, such as underlining,  outlining, and strikeout of characters, may be added by your computer software.

Type sizes are usually expressed in points; one point is 0.138 inches or about 1/72 of an inch.
Font Size
The font’s size is the distance from the top of the capital letters to the bottom of the bottom of the descenders in letters such as g and y.
Arial, Courier, and Times New Roman are typefaces, Arial12-point italic is a font. In the computer world, the term "font" is commonly used when typeface or face would be more correct.
Today’s wide selection of software fonts makes it easier to find the right typeface and font for your need. Here are some examples of the same letter displayed using different fonts.
Variety of Fonts

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