30 March 2013

Text in Multimedia

Sumber : Note


A typeface is a family of graphic characters that usually includes many type sizes and styles.


A font is a collection of characters of a single size and style belonging to a particular typeface family. Typical font styles are boldface and italic. Other style attributes, such as underlining,  outlining, and strikeout of characters, may be added by your computer software.

Type sizes are usually expressed in points; one point is 0.138 inches or about 1/72 of an inch.
Font Size
The font’s size is the distance from the top of the capital letters to the bottom of the bottom of the descenders in letters such as g and y.
Arial, Courier, and Times New Roman are typefaces, Arial12-point italic is a font. In the computer world, the term "font" is commonly used when typeface or face would be more correct.
Today’s wide selection of software fonts makes it easier to find the right typeface and font for your need. Here are some examples of the same letter displayed using different fonts.
Variety of Fonts

Nota - Pengenalan kepada Multimedia

Sumber : Md Azani b Sham

26 March 2013

25 March 2013

Lesson Plan - Guide

Summary : Click here
Part of Computer : Click here
Alex lesson plan : Click here and here and here
Alex ideas : Click here and here and here and
                   : Skillfull slideshows

ps : sila abaikan semua di atas. Admin sekadar nak bookmarks jer. hehe.

Guide for a teacher for Lesson

Presentation of Material Environment
Time Demands Materials
Attention Using Groups and Peers
Assisting the Reluctant Starter Dealing with Inappropriate Behavior


Music background for presentation slides : Click here
Introduction to computer : Click here

Nota Function of the Components of the Motherboard

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Function :-
A Central Processing Unit or CPU is a microprocessor (or processor for short). It is an integrated circuit chip that is capable of processing electronic signals. The CPU is the most important element in a computer system.

A CPU interprets instructions given by the software and carries out those instructions by processing data and controlling the rest of the computer’s components.

Random Access Memory (RAM)
Function :
  • RAM is installed inside computers. RAM is also known as a working memory. 
  • The data in RAM can be read (retrieved) or written (stored).
    RAM is volatile which means the programs and data in RAM are lost when the computer is powered off.

    • A computer uses RAM to hold temporary instructions and data needed to complete tasks. This enables the computer's CPU (Central Processing Unit) to access instructions and data stored in the memory very quickly.
    • RAM stores data during and after processing.
Read Only Memory (ROM)
Function :-
  • ROM is another type of memory permanently stored inside the computer.
ROM is non-volatile. It holds the programs and data when the computer is powered off.
  • Programs in ROM have been pre-recorded. It can only be stored by the manufacturer; once it is done, it cannot be changed.
  • Many complex functions, such as start up operating instructions, translators for high-level languages and operating systems are placed in ROM memory.
  • All the contents in ROM can be accessed and read but cannot be changed. 

Expansion Slots

Expansion slots are the sockets where the circuit boards or the adapter cards can be inserted into the motherboard. 
It is a place to fit an expansion card containing the circuitry that provides some specialized capability, such as video acceleration, sound or disk drive control.

Latihan Form 1 Overview of System Computer

24 March 2013

Nota Form 4 - Motherboard (rujukan guru)

View file : Click here
Download : Click here

Activity - Hangman (version 1.0)

Hi dear, here i got something interesting to share.
Tada ! Hangman game. (Click here for original file).
This is the first try of me. Only two pages. However I should very thank to PPTalchemy for the demo.
From his demo, I can create the new one.
Others website you can play or gain the idea Pico Hangman, stratch Hangman demo and etc.
Slide one : Guess the word

Slide one : the wrong answer
Slide two : Attach with clue-picture of RAM

Pray for me to do more and more hangman word. Thank you.

23 March 2013

Note Form 2 - Microsoft PowerPoint (trigger and motion path)

Contoh bahan untuk perisian Microsoft Power Point.
Cara untuk trigger dan motion path.
Open in new window for best view.
*You may loss the transitions or animations between slides.

Nota Form 4 - Sistem Pengoperasian (OS)

Nota Powerpoint ini mengandungi slide transition dan animation. 
Untuk view yang lebih baik anda dinasihatkan Open in new window
Klik pada penjuru atas-kanan. 
Semoga membantu.

Note Form 1 - Overview System Computer

Nota Powerpoint ini mengandungi slide transition dan animation. Untuk view yang lebih baik anda dinasihatkan Open in new window. Klik pada penjuru atas-kanan. Semoga membantu.

22 March 2013

Activity Form 1 - Quiz System Computer [True/False]

Source : Worksheet 4, Module 3 - System Computer, Computer Hardware.
Password : 1234


Quiz ini hanyalah cubaan semata-mata. Sila komen kalau tak puas hati.

Aktiviti - Bagaimana menghasilkan teka-teki (puzzle) menggunakan kertas.

Salam pembaca,
Gembira saya kongsikan di sini satu cadangan aktiviti untuk pembelajaran di dalam kelas iaitu permainan puzzle. Di mana guru perlu menyediakan beberapa keping gambar di mana membolehkan beberapa kumpulan pelajar dibentuk.

Kepingan gambar tersebut hendak dipotong kepada bahagian-bahagian yang lebih kecil. Cara memotong kepingan tersebut bolehlah menggunakan template yang disediakan oleh Google. Klik di sini untuk template.

Contoh template 8x8

Anda boleh melukis gambar penuh, atau anda boleh mencetak imej hasil carian di internet. Mungkin anda mahu menulis mesej atau nota untuk murid-murid. Pastikan untuk menggunakan pelbagai warna hiasan dan berbeza untuk membuat teka-teki(puzzle) kelihatan menarik

Langkah seterusnya adalah untuk berhati-hati memotong kepingan mengikut garisan yang dilukis pada template teka-teki. Ini adalah penting kerana jika anda tidak memotong mengikut garisan, anda tidak mungkin dapat meletakkan teka-teki kembali bersama-sama. Selepas imej dipotong Campur adukkan kesemua potongan tersebut dan mari bermain.

Selamat mencuba !

Activity Form 1 Crossword - Overview of System Computer

1. ____ is a computer display that like a TV monitor
2. _____ give out information in the form of sound.
4. _____a input device used to controls the movement of the cursor or pointer on a display screen.
5. ____ is a device that produces a hardcopy of documents stored in electronic form that prints texts or illustrations.
6. The main input device for text & commands.

1. ___ is a processing device.
3. ___ is a storage device.

Activity Form 4 Crossword : Computer Security

________ is a computer program that performed anauthorised processes on a computer network.
A true _____ cannot spread to anather computer without human assistance.
The contents of a trojan horse can be a virus or a _______.
Worm can spread copies of itself as a _______ program.
A _____ has advanced computer and network skills.
Worm operates through the _______.
Most dangerous virus ever created.
Computer ________ means protecting our computer system.
______ could overite the Master Boot Record of the HDD.
Computer are also threatened by _______ disaster.

Credit : Facebook Mai Aim

Note Form 1 - Main Component of System Computer

Note Function of main component of system computer

21 March 2013

Tips n trick 1


The Sphinxs Riddles brain teasers

Credit : Proprofs