07 February 2016

Bola Jaring SMK Pinawantai

Perjuangan belum selesai.

22 Januari 2016

Cikgu bergigih gagah menganjurkan pertandingan Bola Jaring peringkat sekolah supaya dapat memberi peluang pemilihan kepada semua pelajar yang berminat untuk menyertai pertandingan bola jaring peringkat daerah.

Tiada yuran pendaftaran dikenakan. Tiada peruntukan kewangan dihulurkan. Cukup sekadar kudrat beberapa orang guru dan dua kotak air minuman botol.

Pelajar puas hati, cikgu gembira.

02-03 Feb 2016

Acara yang ditunggu. Pertandingan Bola Jaring peringkat Daerah Kudat. Biarpun kurang cemerlang sedikit berbanding tahun sebelum. Cikgu ucapkan tahniah kepada semua pemain. Mungkin tahun ini kita kekurangan masa untuk latihan. Kita usaha lagi masa akan datang.

Tahniah untuk enam orang pemain sekolah yang terpilih ke peringkat bahagian utara.
Elviana, Sofiah, Mike, Aerny, Fanny dan Chris.

6 Feb 2016

Pertandingan Bola Jaring peringkat Bahagian Utara bertempat di SMK kota Belud II. Kontinjen Kudat B15 dan B18 mendapat tempatcnaib johan. Manakala B12 Johan. Tahniah ! Tahniah ! Tahniah !

Sekali lagi pemain SMK Pinawantai terpilih.
Mike Aerny ke peringkat Negeri.

Wakil Zon Utara dari Kudat ke peringkat Negeri.
Paie, Husnul(nunui), Mike, Nasya, Aisyah.

Selamat berusaha. Banggakan Kudat dengan kecemerlangan sahsiah dan kehebatan kamu di gelanggang.

24 January 2016

Perlawanan Bola Jaring SMK Pinawantai

Tahniah netballer SMKPians sekalian dan guru-guru yang terlibat. Selesai sudah Perlawanan Bola Jaring Terbuka Peringkat SMK Pinawantai 2016.

Tempat : Dewan SMK Pinawantai
Tarikh   : 22 Januari 2016.

Enam pasukan berdaftar untuk perlawanan kali ini iaitu terdiri daripada pasukan Fire Burning, Power Girl, Netball Power, Perfecto, Netball SMKPI dan Lotong Team.

Konsep perlawanan yang ringkas terpaksa dilaksanakan disebabkan kekangan masa. Di mana setiap pasukan hanya terdiri daripada 7 orang pemain sahaja. Perlawanan kalah mati(yes I knew its not fair enough actually). Masa diperuntukkan 7-2-7 dengan kekuatan 2 pengadil iaitu Cg. NorAnis dan Cg.Husni sendiri.

Matlamat perlawanan ini adalah untuk memilih pelajar yang berkelayakan untuk mewakili sekolah ke peringkat daerah Kudat.

Jadual perlawanan

Game 1 : FireBurning vs PowerGirl = [1-9]
Game 2 : NetballPower vs Perfecto = [7-0]
Game 3 : NetballSmkpi vs LotongTeam = [7-7]

Separuh Akhir
Game 4 : NetballPower vs NetballSmkpi = [3-13]
Game 5 : PowerGirl vs LotongTeam = [2-13]

Game 6 : NetballSmkpi vs LotongTeam = [11-8]

Johan : Netball SMKPi
Naib johan : Lotong team
Ketiga : Netball Power
Keempat : Power Girl
Kelima : Perfecto
Keenam : Fire Burning

Ps : smkpian memang awesome.

27 April 2013

Lesson plan Output Devices

Week                        : 9
Date        : 24 April 2013
Day                            : Wednesday
Form       : 1K3
Subject                     : ICT Literacy
Time        : 1240-1400
No of. Students      : __/27
Duration : 80 minutes
Learning Area
Computer Hardware
2. Computer Parts & Components
2.5 Output Devices
Learning Outcomes
At the of this lesson, students should be able to :
1.       Correctly write down the meaning of output devices.
2.       Verbally name at least THREE output devices correctly.
3.       Verbally state the respective functions of output devices with at least one example.
Existing Knowledge
Students already know the type of peripheral devices
Identify the output devices used for text-based, graphic-based, audio-based and video-based
Output.pptx, pictures of output device
Begin the class (1240-1245)
Buffering time
To get ready mentally and physically
1.    Teacher check no of student.
2.    Pray a doa for muslims.
3.    Get ready for learning and teaching

Introduction (1246-1255)
Type / Time
Teacher Plan
Resources / Notes
(10 minutes)

·     learning outcomes
·students attention

1.       Teacher will display the different pictures of the output devices on the screen and asks the students to name the output devices that have been displayed and state the functions
2.       Teacher will introduce today lesson on Output Devices and the objectives of the topic that need to be achieved.
Teacher centered

Question & answer session

Teaching aids
Concept (1256-1225)
Step 1
(30 minutes)
·  Output devices is hardware that is capable of delivering or showing information to one or more users.
·  There are four types of output: which are text-based, graphic-based, audio-based and video-based
1.       Teacher explains and define the output devices by showing an example.
2.       Teacher explains the features and functions monitor by giving an example.
3.       Teacher explains the differences between CRT and LCD monitor by showing pictures as an examples
4.       Teacher explains the function of speaker
5.       Teacher explains the features and functions of printer by showing the pictures and example.
6.       Teacher describe the features of three different printer by showing the pictures of different printer
7.       Students write down note in their note book.
Strategy :
Teacher oriented


Teaching aids
Activities (1326-1335)
Pink Panther’s Time
(10 minutes)
Identify output data types and the relevant output devices.

1. Teacher will explain on how “Pink Panther’s Time” activity works. The pupils are group up by their sitting arrangement and ask to pick one number from a cup. The number represents to clues of a specific output device. They need to read the information and locate the devices around the classroom. When they are done, teacher will check each answer.
Strategy :
Student oriented

Problem solving

Teaching aids
Evaluation (1336-1350)
Test Memory
(15 minutes)

1. Students will be assessed on how they are able to identify and match correct removable storage with the given clues. They are also assessed on how their can do it collaboratively with partners by discussion and communication. They should be able to apply their current knowledge.
Strategy :
Student oriented

Problem solving
Summary (1351-1355)
(5 minutes)
To recall the
understanding output devices
1. Teacher ask students the content that have been taught today.
2. Teacher concludes the lesson of the day.      
Strategy :
Teacher oriented


Resources :
Class end (1356-1400)
End of class
·   Ready to go back
·     Ensure the chair pushed under the table shutting down the computer
·      Back to class.
